Equipped and Empowered

Resourcing anglicans to develop healthy leaders, equip healthy churches, and support healthy governance

Is this what you signed up for?

Anglican leaders should be equipped to do the work they were called to do, but a lack of resources and a confusing context can be overwhelming and leave leaders feeling isolated and alone.

Worse, competing voices and methodologies leave leaders feeling powerless to effect change, frustrated by church decline, and intimidated by unbiblical arguments.

clear the confusion and lead with confidence

We have created resources, events, and networks for everyone: deacons, priests, bishops, and lay leaders in North America and everywhere Anglicans serve. How can we help?

We get it

We have experienced the confusion of trying to build a biblically faithful Anglican ministry in today’s overwhelming context. Yet through our years as ordained ministers, we’ve gained confidence and clarity as we’ve learned best practices through partnerships with missional Anglicans here in North America and around the world. Effective resources and empowering networks have made the difference.

Meaningful Support

We know how
to help you lead

We’re ready to guide you to the thriving, fruitful ministry you signed up for in the first place. We provide:


Relevant resources that equip you to meet your current need.


Dynamic connection to the wisdom of a network of Anglicans, here in North America and beyond, that empowers you to lead well.


Personal attention and prayer from a compassionate staff that provides needed support.

We will help you start well, continue well, and finish well in your ministry. You don't have to lead alone.

We do this through:
Training Retreats Coaching Resources Seminars Fellowships & more...


news & Updates

Join The Conversation

Read the Daniel Declaration and see how you can get your church or diocese involved in preserving biblically-faithful Anglicanism for generations to come.

Join Canon Mark Eldredge as he walks alongside you on your journey to church health, revitalization, and Holy Spirit renewal.

Stay tuned to the latest news and discussions as we break down the latest updates in the Anglican Communion.


What our participants say

“What I really appreciate about ARM’s Rediscovering Evangelism video series is that it isn’t programmatic or filled with lines to memorize. Instead, Mark answers people’s top fears about reaching out and encouraging them that they can be regular folks and still share the hope they have in Jesus. The series challenges us to accept our responsibility in the call to evangelize, but also reminds us that God is the one who changes men’s hearts and calls them to Himself!”
Sarah Brenner
Director of Outreach, Bishop Cummins Reformed Episcopal Church on the Rediscovering Evangelism Series, Anglican Revitalization Ministries
“Bishops can often struggle to find others with whom they can share the challenges of ministry. Coming here has connected me with those who are a little further along the episcopal journey. Aside from the ministry resources this leadership academy provides, this personal connection is invaluable.”
The Rt. Rev. Andrew Williams
Bishop, Anglican Diocese in New England on the Bishops training received by the AAC.
“If you want to really resource the Anglican Communion, the American Anglican Council is the way to do it.”
The Most Rev. Robert Duncan
Archbishop Emeritus, Anglican Church in North America


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