American Anglican Press

books that develop, equip & reform

A publishing imprint of the American Anglican Council, specializing in books that help develop biblically-faithful leaders, equip local congregations, and always reform the Church. 


A guide for those on the front lines of God’s harvest. Each section has questions for discussion and application in particular ministry contexts. An ideal read over seasons like advent, lent, and easter, during which a small group or parish council can discuss and apply it to your church.

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gospel chains

A rich, compact collection of stories from the field of the Gospel provides insightful reflections on the possibilities that can happen in any church when just one person’s life is changed, a chain reaction that can multiply one miracle into many more.

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the turbo bible: Old testament

An easy-to-read summary and commentary on each Old Testament book to turbo charge biblical fluency, with highlights and key details of each book through “turbo facts,” along with the context, what it says about God, and what it says about God’s people. 

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formed in the furnace

Freedom without formation leaves us frustrated and aimless, and in a culture looking for answers – often, we don’t even know what questions to ask! Daniel and his friends in Babylon asked similar questions and came out victorious. We want to invite you to be formed, like Daniel…

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