AAC Leadership


The Rt. Rev. Philip Ashey


Bishop Phil Ashey is the President of the AAC and Bishop of the Diocese of Western Anglicans. Phil grew up in a Christian family, a “priest’s kid” and gave his life to Christ in 1968. A graduate of Stanford and Loyola Law School, he served as a Deputy DA in Orange County California. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1988, and spent twenty years leading Episcopal and Anglican congregations of all sizes in California, Virginia and Pittsburgh—thirteen as a Rector and Church planter, and seven as a Senior Associate. Phil’s focus and passion is to develop Biblically faithful leaders at all levels of the Church—both here in North America and across the Anglican Communion. In 2015 he received his LLM in Canon Law from Cardiff University (Wales UK) and now serves as Special Counsel to the Archbishop, Advisor to the GAFCON Primates, and leads Lawyers Networks in both ACNA and Gafcon. He is also the author of Anglican Conciliarism: The Church Meeting to Decide Together (2017, Anglican House)

The Rev. Canon Mark Eldredge

ACTING CEO & Director of Anglican revitalization ministries

Mark was born near Buffalo, NY but grew up in Palm Coast, FL. He received his Bachelor of Science from Florida State University and his Master of Divinity from Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA. After serving as an Associate Priest for three years at an Episcopal Church in Midland, TX, Mark moved to Jacksonville to be the Senior Pastor of Epiphany Episcopal Church. While leading that church through revitalization, he also moved the church into what has become the Anglican Church of North America. After 14 years in that church, Mark is now the Director of Church Revitalization for the American Anglican Council serving the Anglican Church in North America by helping local congregations better fulfill the Great Commission in our times. He also served a similar role as the Canon for Congregational Health for the Gulf Atlantic Diocese based in Jacksonville, FL for 8 years. Mark is married to his best friend, Ame, has three adult children and two grandchildren.


dIRECTOR of healthy leaders initiative & reframe senior consultant

Brian previously served as a Rector for 8 of his 20 years of ministry experience. He knows the challenges of leading a church through revitalization and has a heart to walk alongside pastors and ministry leaders— helping them move from frustration to fruitfulness. In addition to leading churches through the revitalization process, Brian also possesses more than 10 years of coaching and leadership development experience in a corporate setting. His business experience includes facilitating strategic planning and team development training. He holds a variety of church consultant certifications and is also a Certified Trainer with Fierce, Inc.

Brian is a graduate of Angelo State University and Duke Divinity School. After completing his business and theology degrees, he was ordained as a priest in 2014. Brian has been married to Dr. Jennifer Pape for 21 years and they are the proud parents of two children, Tucker and Emery. Brian is passionate about spending time with his family, loves the game of tennis, and cooking Texas BBQ for his friends and family.

Francis Capitanio

Director of Communications

Francis worked as Communications Director and Assistant to the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese in New England (ADNE) for almost six years. He wrote and worked extensively for the Communications teams of both the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and GAFCON, participating in and helping to communicate news-worthy events around the Anglican Communion. Before working in the ADNE, Francis worked as a fisheries biologist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, where he got a lot of time to read and write books while floating out at sea on fishing boats. His first novel, Mariner’s Hollow, was published in 2014 and won the Benjamin Franklin Award for Young Adult Fiction.

Niny Perry

Nina Brown-Perry

Administration manager

Mrs. Nina Perry is Administration Manager for the American Anglican Council and has been with the AAC since 2005. Nina provides support for staff and donors/constituents as well as processes contributions and coordinates various events. Nina is a college graduate, is active in her local church, is a married mother of four and enjoys spending time with her grandchildren.

Lee-anna Upperman

Development Manager

Ms. Lee-Anna Upperman resides in her hometown of New Castle, PA (close to her large sibling group and mom). She joined the American Anglican Council in 2024. Lee-Anna also works as the Operations Manager for the Anglican Relief and Development Fund, which blends her education and work experience in the context of social work and ministry. She enjoys playing strategic board games, reading, walking, and paper crafts! 

Adjunct Staff



Clancy is the Director of Renew, a division of the American Anglican Council’s Anglican Revitalization Ministries.  He served as Rector of Church of the Holy Spirit in the outer suburbs of Washington DC for 24 years. He led church planting and revitalization efforts for the ACNA Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic for seven years and currently co-leads the Healing in Mission Network for New Wineskins and trains scores of people in healing ministry through Zoom every week.  He had a 15-year career as a corporate attorney before entering pastoral ministry.

The Rev. Bev mueffelman

clergy spouses care groups

Bev is a native of the Washington, DC suburbs but has lived in North Carolina for 25 years. She and her husband, Greg, have three adult children and three grandchildren in the area. Together, they helped form and were the first missionaries of Anglican Frontier Missions (AFM). Bev has taught English as a Second Language for Wake Tech Community College and has most recently served as the Director of the Daniel Leadership Institute of the American Anglican Council.  She is blessed to serve Church of the Resurrection, where members are empowered to become fully formed followers of Christ to share his life with others both at home and among the nations

The Rev. Chris goers
& Jennifer goers

Clergy Recovery groups

The Rev. Chris Goers and his wife, Jennifer, together minister to those in need of freedom from pornography and sex addiction.  They have formed groups and a community of families who support each other as they live into the freedom God brought them as a couple through Jesus.  In addition, both Chris and Jennifer have obtained professional training to enhance their work in this area. 

Chris is currently an ordained priest in the Diocese of C4SO and serves the sex addiction community through biblical principles, 12-Step wisdom, and life experience. Chris is a certified Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional and is trained as an Internal Family Systems Practitioner. Jennifer is a Life Coach and works with betrayed spouses through individual and group sessions. The AAC offers sexual addiction recovery groups for both clergy and their spouses.

Our Board

The Rt. Rev. David C. AndersonChairman, is a graduate of the University of Maryland and Virginia Theological Seminary (Episcopal). Bishop Anderson was ordained a priest and deacon in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. He has served as priest in five Episcopal dioceses, including Los Angeles, where he retired from St. James, Newport Beach, in 2002. Anderson was President  for the American Anglican Council from 2001 – 2012. In December 2007, Anderson was consecrated as a bishop by the Nigerian Anglican Church.

Mr. Richard Baker is a Christian attorney in Chicago, Illinois. He focuses his law practice on helping churches and not for profit organizations navigate the complexities of today’s highly regulated environment. Richard’s practice has grown to include the areas of real estate transactions, zoning law and religious freedom, not-for-profit corporate law, and federal and real estate tax exemption. A graduate of Wheaton College and Loyola Law, Rich and his wife Mary have six children and attend a Chicago area Anglican church. 

Mr. William Bugg (Bill) received his undergraduate from Vanderbilt University and MBA from Georgia State University. He was named a Lay Canon of the Anglican Church of North America and is also an Honorary Lay Canon of the American Anglican Council. He is a member of both Christ Church of Atlanta and also Christ Anglican Church, Cashiers, NC.  He recently served as Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Anglican Diocese of the South and chaired the CMJ USA ministry for eight years. He and his wife Nina, who went to be with the Lord in 2022 after 59 years of marriage, led Bible Study groups for over 40 years and organized and led many trips to the Holy Land. He has two sons and five grandchildren.

The Rev. Chase Campbell is a native of Pittsburgh, PA so enjoys all things black and gold. He and his wife, Jamie,  have been married for 16 years and have three children. Before going into ministry, Chase was a commercial carpenter. He felt God’s call to ordained ministry during his carpenter’s apprenticeship. While working full-time as a carpenter, he completed his undergrad studies online through Hobe Sound Bible College. After college, he attended Trinity School for Ministry for his Master of Divinity and Gordon-Conwell for his Master of Theology. In his free time when not chasing my kids, he enjoys running, shooting skeet, working in his garden, and reading.

The Most Rev. Robert Duncan, Vice President, was the first primate and archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America(ACNA) from June 2009 to June 2014. In 1997, he was elected bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. In 2008, a majority of the diocesan convention voted to leave the diocese and the Episcopal Church. Archbishop Duncan served as bishop for the new Anglican diocese until 10 September 2016.

Mr. Thomas H. Hall, III is Founder, Vice Chair and Director of The University Financing Foundation, Inc. (TUFF). TUFF’s national activities are to assist colleges and universities in acquiring facilities and equipment with third-party tax-exempt bond financing. Joining the Board of the AAC in 2014, Mr. Hall has served on the AAC’s Lay Leadership Advisory Board and participated in structuring and hosting its first Lay Leadership Institute. He is a member of Christ Church Atlanta, and has served on its Vestry and as its Senior Warden.

The Very Rev. Marcus Kaiser is the Dean and Rector of St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral, Tallahassee, Florida. After serving as a naval officer for the first part of his adult life, he was ordained a priest in the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina and served there as an Assistant Rector and Rector before taking the call to St. Peter’s in 2020. He is on the board of Sharing of Ministries Abroad (SOMA), chair of the Liturgy Task Force of the ACNA, and previously served on the Board of Trustees of Nashotah House. He and his wife Kim have four boys ranging from elementary school to college.

Mrs. Willa Kane is a founding vestry member of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Raleigh, NC, where she teaches women’s Bible study and helped create New City Fellows and The Center for Public Christianity. She is a trustee emeritus of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund and is active in local and regional non-profit work.  She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Willa and her husband, John, have four married children and eleven grandchildren.  They divide their time between Raleigh and Sea Island, GA.

The Rt. Rev. Clark Lowenfield is in the eighth year of his consecration as the first Ordinary of the Anglican Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast. He has served Christ’s churches in South Carolina and Texas for over 30 years. He is a graduate of Amherst College (Political Science and Economics) and received his MDiv from The University of the South.  Founder of the Simeon Society USA, Bishop Clark speaks and teaches regularly, nationally and internationally, on The Cost of Non-Discipleship; the Healthy Development of Disciple-making Cultures; and Engaging, Empowering and Equipping Women in Leadership and Ministry. He and his wife, Tricia, live in Magnolia, Texas, and they have three daughters, two sons-in-law, and three granddaughters, all who are truly the joy of his life.

The Rt. Rev. Eric Menees is a tenth generation Los Angelino. Bishop Menees graduated from the General Theological Seminary with an M.Div and from Seabury Western Theological Seminary with a D.Min. Following his ordination, Bishop Menees served Spanish language congregations in the Diocese of Los Angeles, was chaplain at The Bishop’s School in La Jolla, California, and later served as rector of Grace Church, San Marcos. In 2011, Bishop Menees was elected the fifth bishop of San Joaquin. He serves as bishop for Caminemos Juntos the ACNA Spanish Language ministry support network, leads the Border Bishops’ Conference seeking to evangelize and plant churches in Mexico, is the ACNA representative to the Anglican Province of South America and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bishop Menees is married to Florence Guadalupe and has two grown children.

The Rt. Rev. Ryan Reed is the fourth bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth where he served as Dean of St. Vincent’s Cathedral in Bedford, Texas, for 17 years before his election to the episcopate. He holds a B.A. from Texas A&M University where he was a member of the Corps of Cadets and earned his M.Div. from Trinity School for Ministry. A member of the Society of the Holy Cross, he received an honorary doctorate from Nashotah House Seminary in 2019. 

The Very Rev. Andrew Rowell is the Rector of Christchurch Montgomery and Dean of the Western Deanery of the Gulf Atlantic Diocese. Andrew received his undergraduate degree from Duke University (1995), his law degree from the University of Virginia (1999), and his Masters of Divinity from the Duke University Divinity School (2008). Fr. Andrew is married to Miriam “Mimi” Suber Rowell, who is a Critical Care Registered Nurse. Andrew and Mimi have two sons, Eben and Zeke.

Mrs. Carol Rogers Smith has been an AAC Trustee since 2005 and is a member of Christ Church Anglican, Savannah, GA. Carol and her husband, Clark, had an executive recruiting firm prior to be called into fulltime missions in 2007. As laity they teach and serve through E412 Ministries in many Anglican dioceses around the world. Carol is a graduate of Wesleyan College and has a Masters in Counseling from the University of Lynchburg. She and her husband have a daughter and two grandsons.

The Rev. Canon Jon Stasney began his ordained ministry in the Dallas Inner City as the Director of St. Phillip’s School and Community Center. After serving churches in Athens, Texas and Medina, Washington, Jon took the position of Rector at St. Nicholas Church in Midland, Texas in 1988.  In 2005 the congregation voted to leave the Episcopal Church and form Christ Church Anglican. Following retirement in 2007, Jon started church plants in Lubbock and Odessa Texas. He is one of the Founders of Midland Habitat for Humanity and served as a Board Member and President.

Ms. Rachel Thebeau graduated from Southern Methodist University (SMU) in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Communications and Public Affairs and then earned her law degree from SMU in 2014. She currently serves the Anglican Church in North America full time as Deputy Communications Director. Rachel was a Next Generation Advisor to the AAC Board before being elected to the Board in 2022. She is on the Steering Committees of the Anglican Legal Society and two other AAC programs in development. Rachel leads in various capacities at her local congregation, Christ Our King Anglican Church in New Braunfels, Texas, and in her diocese, the Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast. Her list of greatest joys includes serving the Lord, traveling the world, snuggling with her Labrador Retriever, and spoiling her 11 nieces and nephews.

Mr. Buck Wiley serves on the international finance committee for the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).  He formerly served as Senior Warden at Christ Church Atlanta. Mr. Wiley is a Managing Director in Merrill Lynch’s Global Institutional Consulting Group, where he has worked since 2001. Buck and his wife, Ellen, live in Atlanta with their children and bulldog.

The Rev. George Woodliff, Treasurer, is a native of Jackson, Mississippi and holds degrees in Economics, Theology and Law. Prior to ordination, George practiced law in Jackson. George was installed as the 30th Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church in Yazoo City on January 18, 1999. He is married to Jill who holds a medical degree in Pathology.

The Rt. Rev. Jacob Worley is the bishop of the Diocese of Cascadia. He was recently elected after having served as rector of St. Andrew’s Church in the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas. Jacob graduated with a degree in Zoology and Botany in 1994 and has worked as a field biologist for government agencies and private industries. Having heard the Lord’s call to ministry, Jacob went to Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA and graduated in 2004 with his M.Div. and was ordained in 2004 and 2005. He has served with four different provinces including the Episcopal Church of Rwanda, the Anglican Church of Canada, the Church of Ireland, and the Anglican Church of North America. He has been married to Kelly for over 30 years, and together they have five children adult children and two grandchildren on the way. 

The Rev. Al Zadig, Jr. is Rector of St. Michael’s Church in Charleston, SC and previously served as Rector of All Saints Church in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Al has a passion for ministry to men, and in fact is the author of Turbo Bible (Old Testament) for Men.  His other passion is evangelism, having taught the Alpha Course for nearly 30 years.  Before seminary, Al was a television sports journalist.  Born in Connecticut, he holds degrees from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and the Seminary at the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee.  Al and his wife, Libby, have three children.