American Anglican Media
Rediscovering evangelism
Rediscovering Evangelism
For Our Rediscovering evangelism study notes (PDF), Click on the links below:
Links mentioned during the seminar:
To download the PDF version of William Bridge’s work, you can find it here:…
Eugene Peterson’s article on the Unbusy Pastor can be found here:…
The article on the questions your church should ask before people return can be found here:…
The American Anglican Council invites you to participate in this six-week series Bible study. Every Anglican church is called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Sadly, that doesn’t always happen. There is a tremendous need for us to rediscover how to do personal evangelism. We know evangelism can be fearful, but in this small group teaching series, you will learn how to move personal evangelism from a good idea that is scary into a commitment with the tools you’ll need to lead people into a relationship with Jesus and make them his disciples.
Rediscovering Evangelism is a presentation of the AAC’s Anglican Revitalization Ministries (ARM), directed by the Rev. Canon Mark Eldredge. ARM is dedicated to equipping local congregations with the tools they need to do the work God has called them to do. The ARM team provides weekend workshops focused on revitalization, leadership development, and one-on-one partnership for those out in the field of ministry. To find out more about Anglican Revitalization Ministries, click on the button below and get in touch with one of our leaders!