Anglican Missional Pastors
what does it mean to be
an anglican missional pastor?
The Clergy Leadership Academy’s Anglican Missional Pastors program (AMP) is a two-year (18 one day sessions and 4 retreats) formational training program for newer pastors. The program serves as a character (heart) and skills (hands) supplement to academic training (head). It is ideally suited for graduating seminarians, or clergy in the first years of ordained Anglican ministry. The AMP has also been effective in helping younger leaders transition from being an Assistant to becoming a Rector. The program, led by a seasoned cohort shepherd, consists of three components: 1) monthly formation workshops, 2) retreats, and 3) mentoring.
Churches frequently expect traditional seminaries to produce well-formed, fully competent pastors. While seminarians usually graduate with biblical and theological sophistication, they often lack spiritual and practical formation—essentials which seminaries are often not suited to provide. There have also been too many clergy who burn out or fail morally due to lack of this kind of “hands” and “heart” training. There is no better place than the local church for practical Anglican missional pastoral formation. AMP provides a setting for equipping the next generation of church leaders in the context of local Gospel-centered churches. Participants mature within a covenant learning community and finish with a lifetime commitment to ongoing growth both personally and professionally.
For more information, please email the Director of the Healthy Leaders Initiative, the Rev. Brian Pape, by clicking the link below!