Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash The American Anglican Council (AAC) is pleased to announce that the Rev. Clancy Nixon will be joining them to direct Renew, a ministry of Anglican Revitalization Ministries (ARM), a division of the AAC. Alongside Revive, for church revitalization, and Reframe, for pastoral consultation, Reform is committed to bringing the … Read More

by the Very Rev. Cn. Andrew Rowell In some ways, it’s like a whole new province. While that may seem like a stretch to write, the election of our third archbishop, The Rt. (soon to be Most) Rev. Steve Wood, coupled with the ratification of substantive amendments to our canons (the ecclesiastical laws by which … Read More

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash Anderson Trane Fellow, the Rev. Ife Ojetayo, reflects on the signifcance of genuine communion and the difference between laying a foundation of faith versus a foundation of politics. This piece is especially poignant at a time when the Global South Fellowship of Anglicans (GSFA) just concluded its First Assembly in … Read More