A word from Canon Mark Eldredge on Clarity in Crisis:
Through the busyness of figuring out how to have worship services, including Holy Week and Easter, and all the other basics of ministry, like pastoral care, you may have found it hard to take a step back, get above the fog, and see the bigger picture, or, as we like to say, get a “God’s Eye View” of the situation. In our ongoing effort to build up clergy and strengthen their leadership, we offered clergy a conversation with fellow pastors about this season of pandemic in a Zoom-based gathering called “Clarity in Crisis – Getting a ‘God’s Eye View’ on Letting Go, Listening Well, and Leading Forward.” It is facilitated by the Rev. Geoff Chapman, the Rev. Ron McCrary, the Rev. Canon Phil Ashey, and myself, Canon Mark. In our hour together, we reminded registrants of the oft-repeated, three-fold biblical pattern of upheaval, wilderness and renewal. And we considered what God seems to be saying to us in this moment about our lives, our people, and his mission.
The Israelites had to say goodbye to Egypt and cross a fearful and chaotic sea, followed by wilderness wanderings, until they eventually made it to the promised land. We, too, will cross these waters and come out of this crisis to enter a time of renewal. We hope this will be sooner rather than later, but either way, we know for certain at some point there will be a new beginning. Whenever that time comes things will no doubt look somewhat different than they did even two months ago. What might God be wanting to reveal to you as you lead your people into the future? Clarity in Crisis is a place to explore this question.
Below are the mentioned recommended links mentioned during the seminar:
- To download the PDF version of William Bridge’s work, you can find it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4fsGSzsZ_jxYkZZeDVHSExMc2c/view
- Eugene Peterson’s article on the Unbusy Pastor can be found here: https://www.christianitytoday.com/pastors/1981/summer/eugene-peterson-unbusy-pastor.html
- The article on the questions your church should ask before people return can be found here: https://kenbraddy.com/2020/04/18/20-questions-your-church-should-answer-before-people-return/