lay leadership academy

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lay leadership academy

WHERE ACNA lay leaders find resources 

The Lay Leadership Academy equips the saints for the work of ministry in their congregations and communities as they engage the culture around them. Its main conference, Formed, is held regionally across the Anglican Church in North America to encourage lay people to engage our culture around the full, four-chapter Gospel of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration. In addition, videos for vestries and chancellors equip those in these leadership roles to effectively lead in their congregations and dioceses.  Our evangelism and renewal videos equip all laity to transform their communities in mission for the Kingdom of Christ. Search our resources below to find the support you need to fulfill God’s call on your life.

Resources for lay leaders

Formed is a regional conference designed to explore the biblical narrative with others, to discover what it means to follow Christ in our current culture, and to discuss issues that fall short of the good news of the Gospel. Formed affirms biblical truth, defines and exposes false narratives, and provides a biblical way forward to engage both the culture and the Church with Gospel-centered freedom and healing. Attending a Formed Conference will help you and your congregation live into God’s greater story found in Scripture. For more information on attending or hosting the next Formed, contact The Rev. Dcn. Bev Muefflman at, or click on the link below to read about our latest conference.

video resources for laity

The video series below are specifically geared towards developing and equipping lay leaders in the local church. We hope you will enjoy these free resources. You can find all of our video series at American Anglican Media, and we hope you’ll check them out as well!

7 Things every vestry ought to know

In this video series designed especially for lay leaders in the local church, Canon Phil talks about the canons that make the most difference to the life and work of the parish vestry or church council. Each video is from two and a half minutes (2:30) to eight minutes (8:00) in length. We point you to the actual places in the Constitution and Canons of the ACNA where you can find the answers to these FAQs, and we try to do so with a minimum of “legalese” and a maximum of practical application. In the first video, we address the misconception that laity are responsible for the “temporalities” of the church and clergy for the “spiritualities.” In reality, these two areas are not “hermetically sealed off” from each other but form a whole sphere of ministry for which both clergy and laity must partner together as servant leaders in ministry. Follow the link to watch this and all other videos in this series.

Rediscovering Evangelism

Every Anglican church is called to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Sadly, that doesn’t always happen. There is a tremendous need for us to rediscover how to do personal evangelism. We know evangelism can be fearful, but in this six-part small group teaching series, you will learn how to move personal evangelism from a good idea that is scary to a commitment with the tools you’ll need to lead people into a relationship with Jesus Christ and to help make them his disciples.

fire in the fireplace

In this series, Canon Phil Ashey explores the relevance and importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of every believer, especially those who are leaders in the Church. Whether a lay leader or clergy, the Holy Spirit guides and directs each person to fulfill their calling in the Church and empowers them to do the work He is calling them to do. This six-part series covers the Anglican perspective on the nature of the Spirit and His role in discipleship, love, transformation into Christ-likeness, and Gospel mission. 

the book of common prayer

The Anglican Church in North America released its first prayer book in 2019. In creating this video series, the American Anglican Council interviewed some of the key people involved with writing the new Book of Common Prayer (2019) (BCP). The 13-part series serves not only as an introduction to the new BCP but also as an introduction to the prayer book in general and should be helpful and relevant to all Anglicans.

are you a lay leader
who practices or studies law?

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The Anglican Legal Society brings together diocesan chancellors, attorneys, and others who are interested in Anglican canon law and related legal issues. Its gatherings, whether in person or by Zoom, offer instruction, fellowship, and an opportunity to learn from each other about wise practices and good order for Anglican parishes and dioceses. The Anglican Legal Society is open to lawyers and non-lawyers, to lay people and to clergy—to anyone who shares an interest in Anglican governance and canon law.

join the conversation

Read the Daniel Declaration and see how you can get your church or diocese involved in preserving biblically-faithful Anglicanism for generations to come.

Join Canon Mark Eldredge as he walks alongside you on your journey to church health, revitalization, and Holy Spirit renewal.

Stay tuned to the latest news and discussions with Canon Phil and Canon Mark as they break down the latest updates in the Anglican Communion.