On Wednesday, October 26, 2016 more than one hundred Anglicans packed Good Shepherd Anglican Church and took part in Revive!, the American Anglican Council’s church revitalization program.
“What we do at these events is challenge Anglicans with a radical shift in thinking,” Canon Steven Saul, Director of Church Revitalization for the AAC says. “Churches don’t get healthy enough and then fulfill Christ’s Great Commission. Churches obey and fulfill Christ’s Great Commission—and then they get healthy.”
The AAC offered the workshop to Participants gathered for the Anglican Network in Canada’s (ANiC) annual synod. Revive! is a resource for smaller congregations who are experiencing recline or decline in evangelism, discipleship, mission to the local community, ministry and financial capacity.
“Over the last few years, many ANiC parishes have been praying about and working on strategic planning and church revitalization so this workshop has offered timely encouragement and fresh approaches,” says The Rt. Rev. Charlie Masters, ANiC Bishop.
The AAC’s Revive! ministry that seeks to provide Anglican leaders and their congregations with an accurate evaluation of where they stand on the life-cycle of the Church (incline, recline of decline), help in discerning God’s vision for their church, and first steps to begin revitalization through re-commitment to Christ’s Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations…” (Matt. 28:16-20)