Anglican Perspectives

Revive Your Church This Year

The American Anglican Council is dedicated to revitalizing Anglican congregations. These articles are one small contribution to our resources designed to help you bring revitalization to your church. Another important resource we offer is ReVive! church revitalization seminars. As you pray and make plans for 2019, consider using this resource to help your church grow. A ReVive! seminar includes:

  • an onsite consultation
  • a seminar on revitalization
  • development of a strategic plan for your church
  • six months of follow up coaching

Believing that a bigger church is not better, a smaller church is not better, but a healthier church is better, the ReVive! seminar emphasizes strategies that will bring church health and then growth to any size congregation.


Without a genuine love for Jesus and one another in the congregation, even great strategies will not, ultimately, bear fruit. Therefore, the first session of our ReVive! seminar focuses on personal renewal. In addition, we include a final session on leading the church through change which is crucial to the revitalization being more than just a good idea. Look at the topics we cover and consider if your church could use this.

Introduction – Understanding the Church Life Cycle.

Session 1REnewal of your heart, soul, and mind!

Session 2Values and Vision!

Session 3Insist on Church Health!

Session 4VITAL Strategies!

Session 5Enacting the Vision!

As I said, this resource is much more than just a weekend seminar. Also included in ReVive!, an American Anglican Council trained coach will meet with your church leaders to listen and gather insights before they present the seminar for the entire congregation. The coach then stays through Sunday morning to observe and participate in worship and meets with your church leaders again to begin developing strategic goals. Following the weekend, you receive a written report with recommendations and six months of follow up coaching for the Sr. Clergy. We have learned that without follow up coaching, a congregation is less likely to implement new strategies and actually experience revitalization.

Knowing that many churches don’t have a lot of extra money, we have committed to keep the cost of ReVive! as low as possible and to make it payable over time. ReVive!, including all follow up coaching, is $1,750 plus expenses. It only costs $500 down to secure a weekend on the calendar, then $500 at the time of the weekend, followed by $125/month for six months during the follow up coaching period. That is very doable, even for a small congregation. If you’re thinking, “Yeah, right! That’s not that doable for us…,” call me and let’s talk about it. Having several congregations in the area go in together and share the costs is also a possibility which can defray costs.

To schedule ReVive! or for more information, please contact me as soon as possible in order to get your weekend on the calendar in 2019. It’s amazing how quickly calendars fill up! Now is the time to be making plans for Summer and Fall. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Let’s see your church ReVive!

The Rev. Canon Mark Eldredge is Director of Church Revitalization and Coaching. Contact Canon Mark at


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